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Boliden Garpenberg

The world's most productive underground zinc mine

Garpenberg in Hedemora municipality is one of the world's most modern mines. It is also Sweden’s oldest mining area still in operation.  Complex ores containing zinc, lead, silver, copper and gold are mined here. Thanks to very successful exploration efforts, the major deposit in Lappberget was discovered at the end of the 1990s, which saved the mine from closure. Instead, it meant Boliden's second biggest investment project ever could be carried out in Garpenberg in 2014. That was when a new production plant was opened that increased annual production from 1.5 million tonnes to 2.5 million tonnes, thus reducing unit costs and boosting Boliden's competitiveness in the global market. It also saw the development of and investment in industry-leading and largely automated technology that made Garpenberg more operationally reliable, eco-friendly and cost-effective. The expansion also secures jobs for a long time ahead, which benefits suppliers, contractors and the local community. 

Garpenberg In figures

  • Its been a mining area since: Around 400 BC
  • Acquired: 1957
  • Operating profit: SEK 3,740 m (2024)
  • Average number of employees: 469 (2024)
  • Type of mine: Underground
  • Mine depth: 1,500 metres

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The digital mine


Boliden Head Office

Boliden Group
Klarabergsviadukten 90
P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm 
Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00
Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90