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Boliden Bergsöe

Best at lead recovery

Bergsöe in Landskrona is the Nordic region's only recycling plant for lead and one of Europe's biggest recyclers of used lead-acid batteries. Every year, lead is recovered from 4 million dead car batteries and at least 90 percent of the lead produced is sold to the battery industry in Europe where it is used again. Because lead is a finite resource but fully recyclable, Bergsöe is an important link in this crucial metal's cycle.

As is the case at all of Boliden's plants, Bergsöe seeks to minimize its environmental impact and to use all resources as efficiently as possible. Good examples of this are the new plastic separation plant that came on stream in 2019, and our provision of surplus heat from production to Landskrona municipality's district heating system, which covers the annual heating needs of around 2,000 homes.  

Watch our latest film below.

Bergsöe in figures

  • Established: 1902
  • Acquired: 1979
  • Operating profit: SEK 86 m (2024)
  • Average number of employees: 87 (2024)
  • Production: Lead alloys 47 ktonnes (2024)

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Contact us

Boliden Bergsöe

Gasverksgatan, SWE-261 22 Landskrona

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Boliden Head Office

Boliden Group
Klarabergsviadukten 90
P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm 
Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00
Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90