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Biodiversity and reclamation

We understand that our activities affect various stakeholders and ecosystems. Therefore, reclamation and restoration are not just a policy but a core practice of our operations.


Boliden is just one of the many stakeholders for land use in the locations where we operate. There are different interests linked to access to land, but one aspect that concerns us all is biodiversity. In order to achieve sustainable metal production, we take economic, social and environmental responsibility to minimize the impact our operations have. This is a responsibility that extends far beyond the life of the specific operation.

Boliden's Guidelines for Biodiversity

Boliden’s Biodiversity and Nature Commitment

Boliden's sustainability parks

A step towards giving back to society and nature what we borrowed

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Biodiversity GRI Reports

These site specific reports provide biodiversity related information according to the Global Reporting Initiative standard.

Information include areas of protected or restored nature, red list and conservation species as well as impacts on biodiversity from site activities.

Boliden Aitik GRI Report

Boliden Area GRI Report

Boliden Bergsöe Biodiversity status report


Boliden have been part in the development of a joint Swedish mining and minerals industry road map for increased biodiversity. The target is by 2030 to contribute to a biodiversity net gain in all regions where mining and minerals operations and prospecting take place.

Boliden works to:

  • In the first instance, avoid impact on biodiversity as far as is reasonable and possible.
  • Secondly, minimize our impact on biodiversity.
  • Thirdly, restore all land that has been impacted, largely with the aim of increasing biodiversity values.
  • As a final step, compensate for any impact on biodiversity by increasing or creating natural values in the local area.

Boliden shall:

  • Strive for continuous improvements in environmental performance linked to water management, energy use and climate change in order to be able to return the land to other land uses.
  • Restore the land in a way that contributes to increased biodiversity and takes local interests into account.


Boliden has a long-term responsibility for the land we have used. As the conditions vary for all our mining areas, Boliden creates a tailored reclamation program based on the most appropriate methods for the site in question. Boliden is a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), an international organization dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and metals industry. Through its membership, Boliden undertakes to comply with ICMM’s principles for reclamation.

Welcome to Gillervattnet

Gillervattnet, a former tailings pond, is subject for reclamation work with aims to stabilize the sulphur-rich sand and transform the part of the site into a wetland habitat for wildlife.

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A long-term responsibility

Boliden currently owns and manages 70 or so decommissioned objects and has five operational mining areas. There are long-term reclamation plans in place for all of these. We work actively and systematically with both supervision and risk analyses for each area. During the operational phase, Boliden strives for responsible management of extraction waste, which includes preventing its creation and reducing its environmental impact. The goal is always to use the best available technology to manage the extraction waste and to reclaim, restore and eventually return any land we have used.


Reclamation methods

As early as the planning stage, the process of reclamation for a mine is described in a reclamation plan. Among other things, the nature of the waste, the appearance of the area, infiltration, watercourses or groundwater levels impact the choice of method. In order to implement new global guidelines, work is undertaken to ensure that each mine also has a plan for how the reclamation will be achieved. The aim is to restore the area so that it can become part of the surrounding landscape once more and be used for other purposes, such as reindeer husbandry or biodiversity.

A unique reclamation project in Långdal

Minimum environmental impact with the highest possible safety.

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Boliden, as an ICMM member, follows the ICMM Mining Principles, which establish best practices for environmental, social, and governance standards.


Boliden Head Office

Boliden Group
Klarabergsviadukten 90
P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm 
Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00
Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90