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Responsible production

In order to be a leading supplier of metals for the climate transition, we are constantly developing new methods of responsible production.

Society and the climate transition

A sustainable society requires metals. This applies especially to technical developments in fossil-free energy and electrification. Demand for base metals, such as copper, zinc and nickel, among others, is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. In order to achieve our vision of being the world’s most climate-friendly and respected metal provider, we first have to secure our own production processes. That will enable us to bring positive impact throughout the value chain.

Our value chain

We engage in the exploration, extraction and processing of metals in a responsible way. Our ability to influence the value chain of metals means that we can produce metals with a significantly lower carbon footprint than the global average. We already offer several such products, produced using recycled materials and raw materials from our own mines in Sweden, Finland and Ireland. These products, where they are used, can have a major impact on the overall carbon footprint of projects that require large quantities of copper and zinc.

Our product CO2 footprint

We report carbon dioxide emissions for our products throughout their life cycle.

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The circular economy and resource utilization

A circular approach to resource management is both viable and highly appropriate for our industry, as metals can be recycled endlessly without compromising their properties. Boliden has created value from residual products for several years. We invest in innovative solutions with a focus on extracting the maximum amount of metals possible from raw material, while also reducing the amount of waste deposited. We therefore play an important role in enabling a circular economy. We are already one of Europe’s leading recyclers of used lead batteries and scrapped electronics. We are also constantly looking for new ways to create value from waste generated by our own operations and other industries.

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Human rights

We work continuously to implement the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Our operations are located in countries in which the risk of human rights violations is generally low. Nevertheless, there are several aspects we need to consider, including the rights of indigenous peoples and the potential risks in our supply chain. In line with the intentions of Swedish and international trade organizations, Boliden developed a commitment to indigenous peoples in 2021.

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People, health and safety

Our goal is to create an accident-free and healthy business characterized by safety and well-being.

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Boliden, as an ICMM member, follows the ICMM Mining Principles, which establish best practices for environmental, social, and governance standards.


Boliden Head Office

Boliden Group
Klarabergsviadukten 90
P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm 
Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00
Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90